Build the Canada

You Know is Possible

We help Canadian entrepreneurs share their ideas for a bolder, richer, freer country

Explore MEMOS

We deserve a
better Canada

Business as usual won’t cut it. Canada is in crisis — a stagnant economy and broken system — despite having the resources and talent to lead the world. Build Canada is a platform for bold ideas and action, to drive growth and prosperity. We welcome any leader to act on these proposals.

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Policies for a Bolder Canada

We release policy memos to supercharge Canadian prosperity. Canada has unique advantages to create growth, innovation, and abundance. Now is the time to use them.

Backed by Builders

Every memo is created with the help of:

  • Canadian entrepreneurs who have created tens of thousands of high-quality Canadian jobs, built and sold globally competitive products, and created wealth for our country.
  • Policy veterans who know how to get things done in government.

Non-Partisan and Actionable

Our builders and volunteers support various parties. These proposals are available for any party willing to act. Our only aim is to grow Canada.

Every memo is released with an actionable plan. These aren't just vague ideas. We offer detailed policy ready to be used by those leaders who have courage to act.

Learn more about build canada